Sunday, October 10, 2010

Riding the 3 Bears

Today's ride - do the 3 Bears. A ride I have been thinking about for a while, but have patiently waited until I had built up some fitness. So what the heck are the 3 Bears? Here's a picture, and I'll tell you - riding them was so much fun.
The 3 Bears
Actually, it's a great ride around 2 reservoirs east of here - the San Pablo Reservoir and the Briones Reservoir. See details here. Part of the ride is on Bear Creek Road, beautiful countryside and 3 large hills - thus the 3 bears name.

My favorite rest stop
San Pablo Reservoir
I started at the Orinda BART station, right at 10:00. All fired up to go and a bit unsure if I'd be able to do the ride. I've driven Bear Creek Road many times and gotta say, since I've started riding, feel very sorry for the bikers slogging up the hills - they are long and moderate grade, but there are 3 of them. I was willing to try it - overall fitness has been good, so definitely time to try. The ride starts pretty flat for 8 miles, good way to warm up. Nice views of the San Pablo Reservoir. Road is a bit hairy - areas with minimal shoulder to ride on, but overall, not bad, especially with my new rear-view mirror, which Ross says makes me look like a BORG alien. Once I got to the north end of the reservoir, turned right at Castro Ranch Road. Ahh, found a nice rest stop - how thoughtful of these people to build a special rest stop for bikers. 

Vineyards in Contra Costa County!
Soon, I get out into the countryside, rolling hills covered in the orange dried grass of the California autumn. Beautiful contrast with the green live oak. Ahh, love this countryside! Nice ride up Alhambra Valley Road to the junction with Bear Creek Road. Very different to see a vineyard here, had no idea there were vineyards in Contra Costa County! Wonder what the wine is like? Time for a break - nature stop, water and the lifeline of a biker, a Cliff Bar. This is the first point where I feel any tiredness, 1 hour in. Not sure if it is because of the stop and rest or really the tiredness. But, I push on and it is fine. Still trying to keep the pace to the point where my breathing is not too fast and I can talk (talk with myself that is!).

Top of the First Bear
Not long until I get to the first bear - long hill for sure, but not so bad. I got to the top, and, not too winded nor tired. Very happy, very surprised. Took a short stop to take a photo and drink more water. Tried hard to keep hydrated, fed and rested. Trying to build endurance and some reading has clued me into riding slow to get the body used to burning more fat than carbs and building the ability to ride for a long time - definitely worth a try. Will need endurance to ride 6 days, 80-100 miles a day.

Nice downhill, not too steep. Ride past the entrance to Briones Park, one of our favorite places to hike. Always amazes me how great this park is and how few people hike there. Second bear is just past the park entrance. This is a long, steady hill. Steep enough to be in the highest gear, but not too steep. Kept a pretty steady 5-6 mph as I did on the first bear. Reach the top soon enough, another water stop and take a picture. Then, off to the next and last bear.

The last bear was not bad - mostly because the downhill from the second one is not much, so not too much new hill to climb. Up, over the top and down, down, down. The downhill from this last hill is awesome, long and steep. Just about at my limit for an enjoyable downhill. Some gentle pumping of the brakes to keep me from going too fast. I make it to about 35 mph, fast enough. I'm really glad I have my rear-view mirror - I can easily spot any traffic behind me - when the coast is clear, I can ride in the middle of the lane and take the downhill nicely.

I finish the ride with the short trip down Camino Pablo back to the BART station. Great ride, happy to be finished earlier than I thought.


  • Time: 2 hours
  • Distance: 24 miles
  • Max Speed: 35 mph
  • Heart Rate at 1 hour reststop: 120
  • Average Speed: 13 mph
  • Wind: Gentle
  • Temperature: Low 80's

Physical Feelings

  • No aches, not even in right side of waist. Legs a bit tired, but no burning feeling. Breathing steady but not out of breath. Kept well hydrated (2 bottles), ate 2 Cliff Bars (one after 1 hour, one at end). Ate big lunch right afterwards. Focused on relaxed arms and shoulders and good pumping action with legs while pedaling.

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